Around 2008 or so, I woke up to the downside fiat money by reading "The Creative from Jekyll Island". What an eye opener that was for me. At that time I moved a large portion of savings into gold.

It wasn't until 2017 or so that I woke up to BTC.

It is amazing to me that most Americans (supposedly high educated) have absolutely no clue on how the financial system works. Looking back on my schooling, we were never truly educated about it. Since the US government dedicates the education agenda (a power not given to the three branches), we've been duped.

Anyway my points is, it is really hard to orange pill someone who is ignorant about the workings of fiat money.

A must read is "The Creative from Jekyll Island" which was last publish 1994 way before BTC. So no up selling potential to BTC with this read.

I've not read "Broken Money" yet but plan to. This might be the next starting point.

Around 2008 or so, I woke…