#linux #vault $powershell #Hashicorp

#linux #vault $powershell #Hashicorp
Finally put the finishing touches on self-hosting Hashicorp Vault server on my local non-routed network. With this in place, I now have an Enterprise grade Vault server for storing secrets and
zero third-party risks.
My whole purpose for going down this road was to find a replacement for the Keybase KV store feature. Since Zoom purchased Keybase serveral years ago to aquire the Keybase talent, the future of Keybase is uncertain.
I development a powershell script called, VaultApi to automate most management aspects of running the Vault server and interacting with the KV secrets engine. VaultApi leverages the RestAPI to communicate with the Vault server, but both the Web interface and CLI commands can be used too.
Now, the hard part left to do is the documentation. If you have an interest do something similar, giving me a LIKE will tell me that I need to complete the documentation sooner rather than later.
The screenshot below shows the core functionality implemented by VaultApi.